Engaging in Detroit
Green Living Science works to transform Detroit to be a cleaner and greener place to live! By engaging community members of all ages, we are able work on the challenges we are faced with today as well as prepare for the future. We have a philosophy of allowing individuals to take ownership over their community. To do this we encourage individuals and groups to volunteer at with us at the Lincoln Street Art Park, where they will be doing more than just picking up trash, but creating something in the park for some one else to enjoy.
Green Living Science also works with block clubs, church groups and community organizations throughout the city to provide free recycling carts to residents, with the goal of increasing Detroit’s recycling participation rate to 50%.

A hidden gem in the city of Detroit, the Lincoln Street Art Park (LSAP) is a community space for all to enjoy good company, local art, and the environment. The Activi-Tree Learning Center (40ft shipping container classroom) is housed in this space for students to engage with nature in a primarily urban environment. Currently under construction, the LSAP contains a butterfly garden, rain garden, and other educational tools to teach youth about sustainability in Detroit.
The City of Detroit is collecting recycling materials placed in the designated container at the curb every other week. The recycling program is voluntary, and residents must opt-in. The program is open to all residents residing in a single family home or in a house with up to 4 units, including those who did not previously recycle.
If you're not recycling, now is a great time to join thousands of Detroiters who are protecting the environment and creating less pollution by recycling

Our Backyard Detroit
Green Living Science is partnering with the Gilbert Family Foundation to lift up Detroit residents with the resources and opportunities to help public spaces get the attention and care they deserve.
Together, we are building a network of local Champions to activate and steward our parks and recreation areas to promote a healthier and cleaner city. The goal: to increase access to healthy green spaces in the City of Detroit!

Zero Waste Education Center
Green Living Science received a KIP:D grant to get public input on a Detroit Zero Waste Education Center. It is an exciting initiative aimed at providing a space for Detroit families to learn about the environmental, health, and financial benefits of waste reduction. This interactive community hub will offer workshops, demonstrations, and educational programs to empower residents to make sustainable choices in their daily lives.

Lincoln street art park
The Lincoln Street Art Park is a nontraditional sculptural park built on a formerly abandoned industrial site. Today there are a number of unique, large-scale sculptural pieces and colorful murals that sprinkle the park with flavor.
As new generations are attracted to these vibrant urban settings, they hope to explore and learn from their predecessors and to create new sites, reflective of their experiences. Thoughtful strategy and creative place making help guide this process of urban renewal, which results in stronger neighborhoods, tighter community bonds and a sense of ownership.
The Lincoln Street Art Park is an evolving art project where the broader community come to engage and explore.
Tours include information about the building and how the facility is used by the community. Students explore the Recycle Here! drop-off area and learn about the items that are accepted and how they get reused or recycled.
By visiting the recycling center, students learn how they can make changes in their home life to reduce their impact on the environment.
Groups visit the Lincoln Street Art Park to learn how the process of “reuse” has been used to clean up an illegal dumping spot and transformed into a community gathering space.
For information about groups volunteering at the Lincoln Street Art Park please fill out the Group Volunteer Interest Form.