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Writer's pictureNatalie Jakub

5 Responsible Waste Disposal Lessons You can Teach Your Kids

Updated: Jun 12, 2021

It can be challenging for children to perceive the idea of pollution and climate change. However, they know that they should throw their trash properly.

But have you ever taught your kids why it is vital to do so?

If you are unsure where to begin, do not worry. In this post, we will share five responsible waste disposal lessons you can teach your kids. Always Have Garbage Bins Available

One of the simplest ways to instill responsible waste disposal is always to have garbage bins at home. It would be better if these bins are color-coded for separation purposes. Having these big containers for waste disposal indicates that your kids get to see that house waste goes straight to the bins. As young as they are, they'll realize that trash equals garbage bins. Teach them that when they have garbage with them, it should go straight to the container. Doing so urges cleanliness and makes your kids are accountable for their trash. Practice Waste Separation at Home

Waste separation enables the entire family to recycle and compost what they can. As a result, they get to reduce the waste they send to the landfill. You may not notice it, but waste management comes with a handful of benefits. This is also something that Cleaning Exec Home Cleaning Services NYC always points out to parents who want to have a clean and environment-friendly home.

Aside from reducing the waste you send to the landfill, you are also teaching your kids how to save the environment in their little ways. More importantly, responsible waste disposal prevents your kids from growing up as hoarders.

Purchase Reusable Products

Another waste management lesson you can teach your kids is to purchase reusable items. Instead of buying plastic bottled water, bring a reusable water bottle when going out. Another is using washable kitchen towels instead of using paper towels. Are you consuming toilet paper when using the bathroom? Why not install a bidet instead?

Such practices instill in your kids that saving the environment does not have to be inconvenient. If anything, it is about being innovative on how you can do your routine without sending more waste to the landfill.

Sustainable brands can be a terrific way to dictate your impact on the environment. Focusing on producing less waste and choosing mission oriented companies is crucial to helping change the ways we do business and view waste as consumers. Make Art From Recyclable Items

Are you in search of creative ways to teach your children about responsible waste disposal?

Consider making art from recyclable items. Luckily, there are plenty of recyclable art project ideas for kids that you can find online.

The best part? You get to have quality time with your kids while teaching them how they can save the environment. Below is an example of a professional approaching recycled material art that we love!

Have a Compost Pit

Other than having color-coded garbage bins, it would also help that you have a compost pit. That's because it helps your family to reduce food waste. It is also one of the first steps in building a circular economy.

There are various kinds of composting methods that you can do depending on the space you have. You can set up a compost pit in your yard. But if your family lives in an apartment, you can opt for bokashi composting.

These days, saying that you do not have the space and materials for composting is just an excuse.

NPR has a terrific guide on starting to compost at home complete with advice on constructing a space, as well as familiarizing you with the science behind what you would be cultivating.

Benefits of Teaching Waste Management to Kids

Besides the fact that it is the ethical thing to do, teaching your children how to be responsible with their waste comes with many benefits.

  1. It teaches them to be responsible. Seeing that you are consistent with proper disposal, recycling, and composting encourages your kids to do the same.

  2. They become aware of the consequences. Along the way, your kids would know that landfills will not last forever. They would also learn that trash ends in the sea and forest, engaging aquatic and wildlife species.

  3. It empowers them to do their part. Because your children know what can happen if they don't practice waste management, they should have the knowledge and tools to prevent it. This is where your responsible waste disposal lessons come in.

Waste separation alone requires careful consideration of what items go into what bins. And this helps develop your kids' organization skills.

Lastly, waste management and saving the environment is a group effort. Hence, you are encouraging your children to be part of something bigger than themselves. Simply put, it can help your kids to grow up as wonderful and compassionate people. Conclusion

The "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" has impacted pollution and other environmental issues. However, it is our job as parents to make our kids understand the importance of such an approach. This includes teaching them the impact of waste disposal and pollution and what they can do about it.

The waste management lessons listed above can help you kickstart your zero-waste lessons. What's cool about it is that these are practical lessons that they can do until they grow up and have their own families.

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