Recycling at home
how to recycle:
1. don't stuff your cart: pack materials loosely in your recycling cart. Do not separate things into bags - bags get caught in the recycling machines and throw off the whole process.
2. rinse things out: it is important to empty and rinse out food and drink containers before placing them in your cart. Food particles are very bad for the recycling process.
3. keep it neat: do not place items on top of or around your cart - keep everything inside of it. flatten cardboard boxes before placing in cart.
4. when in doubt, throw it out: it might look like you can recycle it, but it is important to only put the items listed below into your recycling cart!

items you can recycle at home
put only these items in your at-home recycling carT
clear and colored glass
Wine bottles, pasta sauce jars, etc.
Please be sure to wash and rinse glass.
Newspapers, magazines, construction paper, envelopes, etc.
Soup cans, soda cans, tin foil, etc.
Please be sure to wash and rinse metal.
Water bottles, milk jugs, butter containers, etc.
Plastic MUST have the number 1-7 in a recycling triangle on it.
Cereal boxes, pizza boxes, toilet paper rolls, etc.
Be sure to flatten the cardboard out to make room in the cart.
Drop off recycling
items you can take to recycle here!
Detroit's drop off recycling facility
5960 Lincoln St, Detroit, MI 48208
hours of operation:
Monday & Wednesday 10 am to 6 pm
Saturday 9 am to 3 pm








shredded paper
items you cannot recycle at home
not everything can be recycled at home. Place the items below in the regular trash.

plastic utensils
paper towel
juice boxes

plastic bags

candy wrappers

used paper plates
chip bags
you can recycle household hazardous waste!
Take the items below items to:
2000 E. Ferry St, Detroit, MI
open to Detroit residents every
Thursday from 7:30 am to 2 pm
4th Saturday of the month from 8 am to 2 pm

paint cans



car batteries

medication & sharps

household cleaners

aerosol cans

Complete list of acceptable HHW items: paint & paint products, aerosol cans, pesticides/herbicides, batteries (alkaline and auto), fluorescent tubes, propane cylinders, mercury, corrosives, medical sharps, OTC medicine, furniture polish, floor care products, gasoline, lighter fluid, kerosene, oil, antifreeze, fuel, pool chemicals, oxidizers, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, computer monitors, keyboards, microwave, mouse, computers, printers, fax machines, scanners, cable boxes, cell phones, typewriters, televisions, DVDs/VCRs, gaming units
For more information, visit the city of detroit's HHW website
Other ways to get recycling carts
Recycling Workshops
Attend a recycling workshop
Learn about Detroit's new curbside recycling program
Learn how to practice the 3 R’s - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
For attending the workshop residents will receive a FREE RECYCLING CART!
*Must be a single family home or apartment up to 4 units for eligibility.
Interested in hosting a recycling workshop?
Call our office or click the button!
313-871-4000 ext. 3
email for more information.

Order for $25 from your waste hauler
Waste Management is your contractor.
Sign up for a cart online by clicking here
call (844) 2-DETROIT (233-8764).
GFL Environmental is your contractor.
Order your cart online by clicking here
contact GFL Customer Care center at
(844) 464-3587.